Which languages do you learn at school in your country? Coutumes et styles de vie

Yes latin and ancien greek do exist today in french schools ! I can tell you because I'm learning latin !
And you are not forced to start learning english in the primary schools : it depends where you come from : as I live near the german border, aller the schools in my area teach german as a first language at school, and then you can choose the languages you want to learn between spanish, english and italian (at least in my middle school)

Yes latin and ancien greek do exist today in french schools ! I can tell you because I'm learning latin !
And you are not forced to start learning english in the primary schools : it depends where you come from : as I live near the german border, aller the schools in my area teach german as a first language at school, and then you can choose the languages you want to learn between spanish, english and italian (at least in my middle school)
oui tout a changé donc je parle sans forcement tout savoir... Ils avaient prévu de retirer les langues anciennes de l'enseignement. Elles étaient quasi obligatoires à mon époque dès la sixème. En dehors des écoles particulières l'anglais reste la LV1 obligatoire. Ce qui est bien c'est que ca débute en primaire maintenant. Ca va améliorer un peu les choses, peut-être... ou peut-etre pas... vu comment fonctionne l'enseignement ici...

Here in Germany you have to learn english and in some schools a second language (depends on if you're in grammar school for example) the second one is usually French or Latin. In highschool you can usually learn Italian or spanish as well if you want to

On my school everybody have to learn english and after class 6 we could decide if we want to learn russian, french or latein and after class 8 we also could learn spanisch.

just Spanish at my school

In my school we only learn spanish and english, I´m sad about. Im going to a frenchworkshop, its really fun! And, yes, I´ve forgot-- we learn german.

My school wasn't that big so we were very limited to our options. The only language they offered was Spanish.

Well, in China, and as a middle school student, I learn Chinese and English in my school.


We Learn just englisch.

In Italy: Italian, English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Latin and Acient-Greek. But not all in the same school.

Im from Germany and at my school, you can learn
but at most schools you can learn Spain and not Dutch

In China, we learn Chinese and English, there is no other choice before university.

At school I learned English, Latin, French and Spanish.
Now at University I try to learn Italian.

I learn at school polish,germany,english and spanish 😁

In Russia at my school we learn Russian (obviously) and English (from the kindergarten by the way), when we “reach” the 5th form, we can choose either German or French... But several years ago there was only German (from the 8th form), that’s why I’m sure I don’t know even basic knowledge, unfortunately...


English only till the middle of secondary School in France (after you have chose between Spanish, German, and Italian). I chose German cause my father and I prefer the germanophons cultures (discipline and separation of personal and professionnal life) . In high school, I've been forced to studying Spanish instead of German. In university, I go to accelerated diploma with English and German. Then I flied to Netherlands with English but I wanted also to learn their language, their land, their language. That year, I had a lot of free time to spend, so going to OBA Amsterdam for studying languages Czech, Norwegian, and Swedish. Now, as you can see, I'm living in Prague.