The last movie you saw Films, musique, TV

@Kiam, Wolverine <3

holiday indian movie

Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie. Such a good movie and acting performance.
2 words> L.O.V.E.D I.T !

A Million Ways to Die in the West!
It's a hilarious movie if you ask me 😃

The Graduate ---> classic movie. It was very good. Young and talented Dustin Hoffmann

I saw "50 first dates" yesterday. Very good film. I really like it

Legal marriage

The last movie I saw is... "Saw 7" LOL!

The last movie I saw was "Frozen" 🙂
Song "Let it go" is so cool!

Édité par Joanna321 .

Hunger Games 1

Edge of Tomorrow this afternoon.
Emma Blunt is so beautiful!

I watched ''We are the millers'', I loved it, it was funny and there were really good actors

I watched Hunger games and the price for a life

I saw 3 movies yesterday all in French with ita subtitles! They were: La délicatesse, Thérèse Desqueyroux , Beautiful Lies

the silence of the lambs

X-Men Days of future past

Replay Terminator 2: Judgement Day last night.

Beautiful mind