I did not expect Shashara to accept my suggestion, after all, she had tried to kill me at the most in an hour. But, as I recalled, she had not meant it personally.
At that moment, I noticed the bloody trickle on Shashara's forehead. For a moment I considered ignoring it, then sighed and said:
"Come on, I'll take a look at your wound." and turning to Bodowin, I asked over my shoulder:
"Are you hurt too?"
Then I asked Salomon:
"Could you possibly give me something cold?"

When Togo - Waah offered me her help, it surprised me a lot. I would have expected she would almost ignore me at the time we were forced to work together.
At least that's what I would have done.
I did not want to turn down their help in the hope that we might somehow get closer to it, and we nodded our heads. As her cool fingers moved over my scalp, she asked:
"How old are you?"

I almost hoped she would refuse my help.
At least I would have done that.
But she nodded and I looked at the injury. It was not bad and I fumbled something about it. She asked me:
"How old are you?"
I reluctantly closed my mouth and felt a sudden urge to beat her. How in the world did she come to ask me such a personal question? I just growled
"Old. Older than you. And older than Salomon. And maybe older than the dwarf. "

"You're right, Solomon, let's travel to this city." Then I mumbled, "In my time there was not, or at least not under this name."
I ask Solomon pleadingly, "Something cold, anything, please?"

"Ba-lum-da! Hurt is only this old dwarf's pride. Being wobbled over by such a small human in combat." Awkward, i think to myself. Maybe its better if not a single one of my dwarvenbrothers hear about that. I would probably hear that story for ages over and over again.
"The Adventurers Town sounds like a start. I'm so hungry I could eat a whole shipload of Seawheed. A bed sounds -Hak-luk-DAA- good too." I sigh a the thought of a clean bed. " I'm not fond of horses, the only horses I like are seahorses. They don't try to stample you and they poop less." I giggle.
No reactions.

"Well..on our feet then."
Suddenly i remember Togo-Waah asking for something cold. I put my bag on the ground and open it. As i bend over I say to Togo-Waah: "I might have something to help you." After a quick search I had found what I had looked for. From the depths of my bag I get two blue an grey shells. "We use these to store and coole fish and food. They are from the Northern Icesea. Famous for their chill and glimmer. Some find them expensive juwelry. But, as a cooling bandage they will do just fine too."


"They may smell a bit like fish, not really suited for a lady." I blush

"I'll come with you," I babbled to Solomon.
"I'll forget the stupid argument, as I said, it was not against you personally, you have my word."
Although I had already broken my word more than once, but well ...

I release Shashara and say to her:
"It's all right ... nothing bad." The dwarf handed me a shell that shimmered beautifully.
"Thank you again, and the smell will not bother me ..." I winked at him. The shell was really cold and it was incredible to put it on the burn. Immediately I felt better.
"So, on to new adventures?" I chuckled. I felt as if I had drunk a schnapps over my thirst.
"Word literally ..."

"Well, than its settled, we're traveling northwest to the adventurers city, but first we should go to the nearby town and resupply and maybe get some horses."
While looking at Bodowin I add " or we could join a caravan or a trader so we don't need horses hehe."
Why I try to stand up it still hurts like hell "oiojoi" well bu it's no use to wait any longer. I go over to Togo-Waah, put my hand on her shoulder and ask her " Are you alright? Can you take the journey? "

"It's that your ears are already pointy young Elvenlord, or I would personaly give my twist to them." Lets goo 🙂

(im going on holidays today i will be back in two weeks, idk when i can write sorry)

I smile at Salomon.
"It's alright ... do not worry, it's okay, I'm just a little ... struck down and you? Are you alright?"
In fact, the shell works wonders and I felt much better. I would probably be able to walk a good distance until it was evening, without getting too big problems.

"Yeah, I am alright too"
Actually it still hurts like hell, but I'm able to travel and the adventurers are able to get Togo-Waah healed, maybe even me.


What does Bodowin have with my ears I wonder?

I wondered silently about Bodowin's statement to Salomon's ears, but said nothing. Instead, I look at Shashara's weapons.
"I think you realize that you will not get these weapons back?" I ask her.
"It sure will not bother you if I borrow one, right?"

"I think she is dangerous enough even without the weapons, so it doesn't matter if she has them or not." I tell Togo-Waah

While looking at Shashara I think "I wonder how she looks under her mask?" While speaking it out loud.

I take Shashara's weapons and watch them through. The three blades with the serrated cutting, I immediately pack away. I do not want to do anything with the devil stuff. But I found a pretty sword. It had a narrow blade and it was another half a hand, my favorite blade. The handle nestled comfortably in my hand and the crossguard swung artfully.
"Very pretty, I borrow that, do you need anything else, Salomon, or Bodowin, or I'll pack the rest."

"I think she doesn't mind if if you borrow one sword or so, but you should give back the other weapons, when we will be attacked, what is highly possible, she should be able to protect herself, beside that even if I don't trust her completely, she is the best chance with Bodowin for us to reach the adventurers, save and alive."

I grimace, but Solomon is right.
"But only a normal weapon, I'll keep this devil stuff here in custody."
Again I rub my wound, the pain does not subside.
"Let's go."

"I see it as Salomon," I say. I do not like being unarmed.
I take the restraint of not being allowed to use the Mage Slayer ... she was right and had to be grateful that I even got a weapon.
I noticed Salomon's curious look on my face and stiffened automatically. I hoped that they would at least leave me the mask.

As we started moving to the nearby town, I talked to Shashara "Hey Shashara, when we get to the town, I will need some help from you, whe we get there I need you to send a massage, in which you write that you were successful in killing me, and you will send it to the one who gave you the job, can you do this for me?" As I say this, I covered my face, so nobody would recognize me. "And Bodowin I would like to ask you for something as well, could you represent our party wherever we travel, until we reach the Adventurers city?"

Yes this would be the best way to travel safe and staying undercover. Bodowin and Shashara aren't well known personalities in this Kingdom so when they do the talking nobody would be suspicious but first we should get some change of clothes. Yeah that should work.

Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.