Favorite Birds Tout et rien

They are image of devotin.

Hummingbirds and owls

cuckoo. She tells how much more a person has left to live. Did you know about this?

No, i didn't know that

J'aime tous les oiseaux mais particulièrement les pigeons parce qu'ils égayent mon balcon.

the birds that can talk like human, parrot

J'aime tous les oiseaux mais particulièrement les pigeons parce qu'ils égayent mon balcon.

Avez-vous nourri les pigeons sur votre balcon?

Bubo scandiacus. Enigmatic and gorgeous.

I love parrots!!!!
their fighting is cute and humorous!!

My mother works at place for ornithology (What's that called?), so I know of some pretty cool birds, but I honestly just like the easter bluebird.

I love robins

parrots!!I had a couple of pet parrots!!They always fought!😂

Peacock;.It is a colourful large bird.

Peacock;.It is a colourful large bird.


Ravens, they are quite beautiful- their feathers are especially pleasant

red cardinal

beaucoup d'oiseau sont jolis, mais j'aime le canard, la poule, le moineau, la mésange...

i like "Aegithalos caudatus"

very very cute bird

Image Link : https://mblogthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxOTA3MjNfMTUw/MDAxNTYzODc5NTM0ODE2.ELNgTucOzH_c7S2amCO-ACsv_XnKjYtZYB_uAPsjS-og.V3cXwtSCkaU-JIajArD9s-DWgDflVrc9FlOd75ok3igg.JPEG.shp9948/00500665_20190723.jpg?type=w800

Peacocks! They visit my home everyday 😍