What do you think about Socialist countries Politique et gouvernements

You guys are trying to debate, but you're not all using the same definition of the word "socialist". Depending from where you're from, the word has been altered accordingly to cultural events (is it still a insult in the USA ?). The author should have defined it. It's like talking about communists, it says a lot of things and nothing at the same time, there is a lot of different sorts of communist systems.

Also the only fact that socialism is a "ism" makes it quite different from a "socially-oriented" politic to begin with.

In my opinion it does not work out. I do not know a Country today or in the past that had a socialist System that functioned. It always ends in a dictatorship. A good example is the GDR

I think that China is socialistic-capitalistic country)
Yes because we do have 2 system

I think that everyone and every country has many capitalistic trends and ideas

What do i think about Socialism? - Another name for "hell", like communism and all other totalitarism, which take away the liberty of men!

What is socialism and all? I only know that its kinda socializing

thouse are countries without liberty and freedome and we should protect our free world from thouse kind of humans

I read a good summary of the support for socialist countries in the west. It goes through 3 stages.
1. When there's a new socialist regime. "This time it's different and it will be utopian!"
2. When things start going wrong. "This wouldn't be happening if it weren't for reasons A,B and C."
3. It seems to have gone to hell. "That was never real socialism to begin with."

What's the difference between communism and socialism ??

What's the difference between communism and socialism ??
socialism is the prestate of communsim in the theorie of Marx but in real politics mostly the same

Anyway china is not actually a socialist country anymore since the end of 20 century there was the economic revolution led by dengxiaopin and china is now kind of a mix between socialism and democracy, just not that democratic enough though.

I believe China is politically socialist (Communist Party in power) and economically has moved from communist ideas into hardcore capitalism in recent decades. However, in theory socialism is quite good in wealth redistribution but so bad in wealth creation, that's why socialist nations are usually poor.

it depends on people

Jeez i kinda hate this socialist system right here in china, no freedom and anything. These governments are trying to tell you to behave and love the government but what they are tying to do is certainly not just for us. Bribing and things happens all the time

I don’t really think that socialism inchina is really good though. It seems that most of its governments are corrupt,and bribing is really common
I do hope that china can make its govern system better but now it certainly isn’t . Lots of decisions made by the government are not good and scientific enough . For example the COVID pandemic. The government did pretty well in 2020 but i just can’t see the reason why the pandemic is still going on, forcing us to do nucleic acid testing every month for everyone. Just the cost of these things are a lot. And the money we payed for taxes are all used to do this nucleic acid test. Which are not even accurate,

Let me be provocative. What system is now in Sweden, Finland and some of the Northern countries? They have, probably, more socialist programs than has China! So, what is a socialist country and what is a capitalist country?

They become failed states really fast, look at nk. Same way China will go in a few decades.

The thing is that most of the countries in the world becoming more and more "socialistic" so to speak. Is it bad or good? Or, maybe someone is thinking that capitalist system is the best system ever? To think like that is naive. Nothing in this world is forever. Everything is changing. The capitalist system is no exception.

I see that most of people are confused between "state capitalism" and "socalism". Those countries mentioned as "socalist", are rather applying "state capitalism" which is quite far from socialism.