

  • 9
  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Hi there! My name's Yupeng, and I'm 25 years old. I'm from China but right now I'm studying in Madrid, Spain. Before I came here, I studied in Helsinki, Finland for two years.

    I enjoy reading, watching movies, and playing board games during my (limited) free time. I'm a curious learner who is interested in learning new things about the world.

    Feel free to message me if you would like to talk to me! 😃 and...if you're interested in writing paper letters, do message me! Let's talk in the old fashioned way!


    Eight years ago, I was in high school. I was curious about the world so I tried to make friends online with people from different cultures. At that time, this site was called Apersphere (if I remember right), and Penpal Gate was a separate site. I enjoyed my time here and I made some friends from different countries. Sadly, it was hard to keep in touch, and we gradually lost contact.

    At that time, I was very interested in Spanish language and culture. I was dreaming about studying Spanish language and literature at the university. As you can guess, I didn't get admitted to the program and ended up doing a business major. Guess what, eight years later, here I am in Madrid doing my PhD. I guess my dream at high school came true, in another way.

    Don't give up. What you really want will eventually come to you.

  • Villes et pays visités

    I haven't been traveling that much. Going to Finland to study was the first time for me to be abroad. I spent two years there for studies and I really like it!

    During my studies there, I also traveled to some other countries, such as Sweden, France, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania 😃

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    This is a tough question...I guess I will go back to Helsinki? But would love to stay here in Madrid as well! 😃

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    Books, movies, airplanes/metros/trams, and boardgames! (You probably won't enjoy talking about academic subjects with me XD)

    But literally, anything will very interesting, except for politics (The least thing I would like to discuss). I'm a curious learner who always wants to learn something new 😃

  • Dans 10 ans

    In ten years, I hope that I will have already settled down as a professor at a university somehow (preferably in Europe) 😃 (a long way ahead of me I know haha)

    I hope that I will also get to travel a lot, and to be a more confident person!

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    I think I am an expert at...teaching! I've been teaching Chinese online for more than three years now! I really like it and I think I'm good at it 😃

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    My favorite books:

    My favorite authors:
    Yan Lianke
    Tanizaki Junichiro
    Seicho Matsumoto

    My favorite movies (hard to pick but these are definitely on the list):
    In the Mood for Love (2000)
    The Coffin in the Mountain (2014)
    The Trial (1962)
    Cabaret (1972)
    The Hole (1960)
    Haru (1996)
    Like Someone in Love (2012)
    and all the movies directed by Éric Rohmer 😃

