

  • 5
  • Je suis capable de...

    I do not have specific skills, but I really like cooking. I love cooking pizza and lasagna

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I like talking about music, sport, love life, I like listening to others

  • Plaisirs d'enfance

    as a child I really enjoyed playing soccer and playing video games, which I do even now that I am 16 years old

  • J'ai récemment appris...

    I learned to trust myself only because nobody can love us or help us better.

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    I would like to know the cultures, the customs of the people of different peoples

  • Quelque chose d'inhabituel sur moi

    the thing that perhaps makes me unique is knowing how to advise people and listen to them

  • J'aimerais que les gens connaissent davantage...

    I would like people to understand that appearance is not all that matters in life

