

  • 6
  • Quelque chose d'inhabituel sur moi

    I don't have anything spdcial, but I thhink everyone is special in some way. So, hey! I'm Anouk, 15 years old and I signed up fot this to make friends in Norway, but unfortunately not many people on this ite from Norway are around my age. So I now I'm making friends everywhere instead!

  • J'aimerais que les gens connaissent davantage...

    My SoundCoud. I hate bragging about it, but actually I really want to share my music with as much people as possible. I write from deep emotions, and I know people are gonna relate. So, if you search A Nuke on SoundCloud, you'll find about 5 gracks which I wrote and felt comfortable about to share.

  • Je suis capable de...

    I'm a quit experienced skier, a beginning snowboarder, used to ride horses, I play a bit guitar, ukulele and piano and I love writing. Just essays about philosophy or politics, or poems or short story's. But most of the time I write lyrics.

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I really like to talk about cosplaying, Scandinavia, politics, philosophy, winter sports, cocktails and beers, music and fandoms.

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    I am a really big fan of the Harry Potter series, I still do a yearly re-read. There is a Dutch author and I love her style of writing. (Paulien Cornelisse) I love books about philosophy or just fantasy fiction.
    I also love reading about mythology.

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    When I graduate from High School I want to go to Norway for a year. To work and earn money every two or three months in another city/village/town. I also want to go on a 6-day ski holiday in that year and at the end I want to go to Iceland for 7-10 days.

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    I really love Scandinavia, especially Iceland and Norway. I'm currently learning Norsk.

  • Villes et pays visités

    I go to Austria every year for nine days to ski, go out/party and have fun. Last year I also started snowboarding.

    I've been to Bali and Java (Indonesia) and I loved it there, I would love to go back.

    My heart lays in Amsterdam <3

  • Une astuce ou un conseil

    If you give someone a high-five, look at eachothers elbows. You'll never fail high-fives again.

